Search for tag: "lan - language arts"

LAN0900 Course Introduction Video

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From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

LAN1000 Mod 7

From  Jeffrey Owen 0 plays

Introduction to Module 4: Italian Literature: Selections from The Inferno

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Introduction to Module 5: What is an American? Socially Caring (and Socially Insensitive)

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Introduction to Module: What is an American? Investigative (& Believing) The Case for Christ

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Introduction to Module 8: Research Writing

From  Jeffrey Owen 0 plays

Introduction to Module 6: Nonfiction

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Introduction to Module 5: British Literature- Shakespeare

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Introduction to Module 9: Cry the Beloved Country

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

LAN1100 Mod 7Introduction to Module 7: What Is an American? Global (and Individualistic)

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Introduction to Module 6: What Is an American? Realistic (and Fantastical)

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Pilgrim's Progress and Oral Presentation

From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays


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From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Media Literacy and Research Paper

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From  Jeffrey Owen 0 plays

William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays

Literary Genres Fiction and Nonfiction

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Owen 1 plays